Casting TV Shows and Movies to Hotel Guest TVs

Did you know that allowing guests to cast content to their in-room TV can significantly impact your online reviews? Thanks to many review sites, news about how your guests experience a hotel can spread fast. That may be bad news for hotels that have unhappy guests. However, it is excellent news for properties that go the extra mile to make their guests feel at home during their stay.

One way to delight hotel guests is to be sure that they have access to the entertainment content they want to watch during their stay. Content has come a long way over the last several years. Recent studies have shown that traditional TV watching is declining while streaming and downloading content is on the rise. In fact, 26% of Americans report watching more online content and less conventional television.

This shift in viewing habits means that guests are no longer satisfied with the limited cable or satellite options hotels offer. Instead, many guests would rather provide their own content from the same streaming services they enjoy at home. This option is possible when you offer guests the opportunity to cast content to the TV in their room.

What is Casting?

Casting is a feature made possible by Google that allows guests to send their favorite TV shows from their streaming services right to their guest room TV. Through casting, people can access content via their smartphone, tablet, or computer, and, instead of watching it on a small screen, guests can cast it to their TV.

Behind this casting technology is the Google Chromecast. Once attached to a TV or other display via HDMI, guests can view content from over 2,000 apps that support this casting feature. In addition, Google’s Chromecast is far easier and cheaper to install and configure than popular IPTV or other casting solutions.

Why You Should Offer Guest Casting

While TVs are a standard feature in hotel rooms, many properties are not using them to their full potential. By adding casting, that TV can become a feature that delights guests. Hotels that provide an easy way to cast content to their in-room screen will have happier guests. That is excellent news since happy guests lead to great reviews!

Why Try OnlyCast?

Providing an option for guests to cast to TVs in their rooms will delight visitors. Still, to keep those guests happy, you need to be sure you have the right system that will make casting easy for guests and won’t add more work to your already busy staff. The Google Chromecast is a great tool to make this happen. Still, if you want to make installation and operation as seamless as possible, you will want to try OnlyCast.

OnlyCast is an easy-to-install and operate system that will add casting to your rooms using Google’s Chromecast. While the Chromecast is a powerful device on its own, it lacks the features hotels need to make it easy for guests and hotel staff.

First of all, OnlyCast allows owners and managers to personalize the welcome screen. This customization facilitates the display of hotel and location-specific content when guests turn on their TV. This is a great way to make a guest feel welcome and to let them know about the service you offer.

Second, with a customized welcome screen, you can also give your guests easy-to-follow instructions to start casting in minutes. With OnlyCast, guests only have to scan the on-screen QR code from their device to get started. There is no need to enter a room number or pin. There will also be no reason for guests to call the front desk for assistance, saving your staff valuable time.

Finally, you get access to an analytics dashboard to view usage and information about every Chromecast on your property.

Try OnlyCast for yourself to see how easy and affordable it is to let guests cast content to their TVs. A small investment will pay long-lasting dividends with more happy guests and more five-star reviews.
